The Online Behavior of Young People in Romania, Its Associated Risks and Ways to Combat Them Research Report [Romanian & English]

The Online Behavior of Young People in Romania, Its Associated Risks and Ways to Combat Them Research Report [Romanian & English]

Young people in Romania increased their online presence during the Covid-19 pandemic, and now, they spend more and more time on social networks, such as Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. Communicating with their friends and family is among the key online activities, but young people also use the Internet to watch movies, play games (often in a network with other users) and shop. 

The main are cyberbullying, revenge pornography and other image-based sexual abuse, the spread of fake news and misinformation, online gambling addiction and identity theft. One of the key factors favouring the emergence of these risks is the lack of prevention campaigns and education (e.g. sex education, education on the use of the Internet, training on how to search and verify information, etc.), as well as training aimed at improving the critical thinking skills. 

Other factors that facilitate such risks include hypersexualization and role models promoted by the media, under-regulation of certain youth-targeted industries such as gambling/online gaming, decriminalization of revenge pornography, and lack of social media mandates regarding the prevention of sexual abuse based on images. Young people’s low self-confidence and their parents’ limited information about online risks must also be taken into account. 

The Online Behavior of young people in Romania, its associated risks and Ways to combat them research report presents information on the time spent online by young people and the main activities carried out, risky behaviors and the main associated risks, as well as a series of recommendations for young people who use the Internet, parents, public authorities, educational institutions, online media, etc. 

The report can be viewed and downloaded , in English. 

Raportul de Cercetare Comportamentul Online Al Tinerilor Din Romรขnia, Riscurile Asociate Acestuia ศ™I Modalitฤƒศ›I de Combatere a Lor

Tinerii din Romรขnia ศ™i-au sporit prezenศ›a online รฎn timpul pandemiei de Covid-19 ศ™i petrec din ce รฎn ce mai mult timp pe reศ›elele de socializare, precum Instagram, Tik tok. Comunicarea cu prietenii ศ™i familia lor se numฤƒrฤƒ printre activitฤƒศ›ile cheie desfฤƒศ™urate online, dar tinerii folosesc internetul ศ™i pentru a viziona filme, a juca jocuri (adesea รฎntr-o reศ›ea cu alศ›i utilizatori) ศ™i pentru a face cumpฤƒrฤƒturi. 

Principalele riscuri asociate cu activitatea online a tinerilor sunt hฤƒrศ›uirea ciberneticฤƒ, pornografia din rฤƒzbunare ศ™i alte abuzuri sexuale bazate pe imagini, rฤƒspรขndirea de ศ™tiri false ศ™i dezinformare, dependenศ›a de jocurile de noroc online ศ™i furtul de identitate. Unul dintre factorii cheie care favorizeazฤƒ apariศ›iaโ€ฏacestor riscuri este lipsa campaniilor preventive ศ™i a educaศ›iei (de exemplu, educaศ›ie sexualฤƒ, educaศ›ie privind utilizarea internetului, instruire privind modul de cฤƒutare ศ™i verificare a informaศ›iilor etc.), precum ศ™i de formare care vizeazฤƒ รฎmbunฤƒtฤƒศ›irea abilitฤƒศ›ilor de gรขndire criticฤƒ. 

Alศ›i factori care faciliteazฤƒ manifestarea unor astfel de riscuri includ: hipersexualizarea ศ™i modelele de rol promovate de mass-media, subreglementarea anumitor industrii care vizeazฤƒ tinerii, cum ar fi jocurile de noroc/jocuri online, neincriminarea pornografiei din rฤƒzbunare ศ™i lipsa unor obligaศ›ii ale reศ›elelor sociale privind prevenirea abuzului sexual bazat pe imagini. Trebuie avute รฎn vedere ศ™i รฎncrederea scฤƒzutฤƒ รฎn sine a tinerilor ศ™i informaศ›iile limitate de care dispun pฤƒrinศ›ii acestora, cu privire la riscurile online. 

Raportul de cercetareโ€ฏComportamentul online al tinerilor din Romรขnia, riscurile asociate acestuia ศ™i modalitฤƒศ›i de combatere a lor prezintฤƒ informaศ›ii cu privire la timpul petrecut online de cฤƒtre tineri ศ™i principalele activitฤƒศ›i desfฤƒศ™urate, comportamente riscante ศ™i principalele riscuri asociate, precum ศ™i o serie de recomandฤƒri cฤƒtre tinerii care utilizeazฤƒ internetul, pฤƒrinศ›i, autoritฤƒศ›i publice, instituศ›ii de รฎnvฤƒศ›ฤƒmรขnt, online media etc. 

Raportul poate fi rฤƒsfoit ศ™i descฤƒrcat de AICI, รฎn limba englezฤƒ. 

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